SIA's 2012 DoD Commercial SATCOM Users' Workshop with General Session on December 13-14, and Government Only Sessions December 12, 2012 (Afternoon Only) at the Crystal Gateway Marriott, Arlington, Virginia. This is SIA's Eighth Annual DoD Commercial SATCOM User's Workshop— the flagship event of SIA's Commercial SATCOM Users' Workshop series.
This year's workshop focuses on "Innovative Commercial SATCOM Technologies and Business Models in an Austere Budget Environment" exploring the challenges and opportunities for both government and industry.
This annual event brings together government leaders from DoD Combatant Commands, Services and Agencies as well as commercial satellite industry operators, service providers, integrators, ground equipment suppliers, and manufacturers.
Join Government decision-makers from AFRICOM, CENTCOM, EUCOM, NORTHCOM, PACOM, SOCOM, SOUTHCOM, STRATCOM, TRANSCOM, DoD/CIO, DISA, EA for Space, Air Force, Army, Navy, Marine Corp, US Coast Guard, White House Communications Agency, SPAWAR, and many, many more for this important conference.

The Satellite Industry Association (SIA) is a Washington D.C. based trade association representing the leading global satellite operators, service providers, manufacturers, launch services providers, and ground equipment suppliers.
Since 1995, SIA has been the unified voice of the satellite industry on policy, regulatory, and legislative issues affecting the commercial satellite industry. The association actively promotes the benefits and uses of commercial satellite technology and its role in national security, homeland security, disaster relief and recovery, and the global information infrastructure and economy.
As the commercial satellite industry’s lead advocate, the SIA continually monitors the international and domestic regulatory landscape and works to advance satellite interests both at home and abroad. SIA member companies are actively involved in reviewing and commenting on spectrum, regulatory, telecom, international trade, export controls, government procurement, national defense, homeland security and industry trends among other key issues.
Deadline for discounted workshop is November 23rd. You can register here.
Hotel reservations are December 1st for online room reservations. DEADLINE DECEMBER 1st FOR ON-LINE ROOM RESERVATIONS. Click here to make your hotel reservations on-line. Discounted attendee rates and Government per diem rate rooms are currently still available.
FOR GOVERNMENT ATTENDEES: A limited amount of rooms are available the current prevailing U.S. government prescribed per diem rate of $183.00.
FOR GENERAL ATTENDEES: A limited amount of rooms are available at a discounted rate of $189.00*/night (*excluding taxed & fees).
TO EXHIBIT OR SPONSOR: Exhibitor and Sponsorship opportunities are still available! Click here for available sponsorship opportunities. Contact SIA at [email protected] to reserve your sponsorship.