Weathernews Inc. of Tokyo, Japan, has fixed the date for the launch of WNISAT-1 from the Yasny Cosmodrome in Russia for next September. WNISAT-1 has been designed for monitoring ice conditions in the Arctic Sea. A continuation of the effort to monitor melting in the Arctic, the innovative satellite will provide data necessary to fully realize a Polar Routing service for the shipping industry. The satellite has been developed independently by Weathernews in partnership with start-up AXELSPACE of Tokyo as an ultra-compact solution to ensure safe polar voyages via the polar route.
Ice in the Arctic has been receding progressively every summer for the past few years as a result of global climate changes. These changes have allowed commercial vessels to transit this area. This summer saw ice receding at a record pace, opening a route (northeastern passage) from the Siberian Coast a month earlier than usual. The route allows a voyage from Europe to Asia to be completed in 2/3 the distance of a route via the Suez Canal, and half the distance of a route via the Cape of Good Hope. Widespread adoption of this alternative route will dramatically reduce the distance, fuel and environmental impact of global shipping traffic. At Weathernews, monitoring and forecasting conditions in this region have been a major goal since 2006. WNISAT-1 is an example of continuing efforts by Weathernews toward the realization of this dream.