SES [Euronext Paris and Luxembourg Stock Exchange: SESG] today announced that ITC Global, an international provider of satellite communications services to remote mining, oil and gas, and maritime operations, has renewed a capacity deal to deliver connectivity to rigs and vessels throughout the Gulf of Mexico region.

SES Americom's AMC-9
Under the multi-year, multi-million-dollar agreement, ITC Global is utilizing 42MHz on SES’ AMC-9 satellite to deliver high-speed broadband and secure corporate network solutions to crews on ships at sea and remote oil drilling platforms. ITC Global provides satellite-delivered, enterprise-grade communications services around the world.
“SES satellites and people provide the reach and expertise we need to meet the needs of our diverse customer base across the Gulf of Mexico and beyond,” said Joseph Spytek, CEO of ITC Global. “AMC-9 is our strategic regional platform of choice, while the SES fleet offers seamless global growth opportunities virtually anywhere we want to expand.”
“This important agreement between ITC Global and SES represents the latest milestone in a powerful partnership. Together we’re focused on enabling oil and gas and maritime operations to connect and succeed in some of the remotest regions of the world,” said Elias Zaccack, SES’ Senior Vice President of Commercial Sales in the Americas. “ITC Global has grown throughout the Gulf of Mexico region with SES and we look forward to enabling ITC to expand strategically around the globe.”