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August 17th, 2015

AGI Offers Free Virtual STK Fundamentals Training + Certification ... Win-Win

[SatNews] A free training course with free 2D and 3D modeling environment sounds like a true opportunity.

At no cost AGI is offering Virtual STK Fundamentals Training online, August-26, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM 

Quickly get up-to-speed on the STK basics through this virtual, three-hour training. Follow along on your computer as an instructor walks you through, click-by-click, building an STK scenario to: 

  • Create analytical models of aerospace and defense systems
  • Analyze mission simulations
  • Explore the STK API for integration and automation
  • Generate STK outputs and make movies 

Systems Tool Kit (STK) Modeling, Simulation, Analysis and Operations Software 

STK is a free 2D and 3D modeling environment used by engineers, mission analysts, operators and decision-makers from more than 700 global organizations to model complex systems (such as aircraft, satellites, ground vehicles and their sensors) to evaluate their performance in real or simulated time. Built on a time-dynamic, physics-based geometry engine, AGI software answers fundamental questions essential to solving dynamic analysis problems, including:

  • Where are my assets and how are they oriented?
  • What can my assets “see” and what can “see” them?
  • What is the quality of the relationships?

As an added bonus you’ll leave with all the necessary training to complete STK Certification!