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Satnews Daily
June 9th, 2016

SES Platform Services Brings SATMED Services To Benin

SES S.A. (Euronext Paris and Luxembourg Stock Exchange: SESG) has deployed a SATMED e-health platform at Centre de Dépistage et de traitement de l’Ulcère de Buruli (CDTUB) in Allada, Benin, in west Africa to improve awareness and healthcare.

The SATMED e-health platform was conceived by SES Techcom Services, a wholly owned subsidiary of SES, and is funded by the Luxembourg Government and the Ministry for Cooperation and Humanitarian Action. The first deployment of SATMED in Benin successfully took place at the remote maternity hospital of Ahozonnoude in June of 2014.

The new satellite-based platform in Allada will be used by Fondation Follereau Luxembourg (FFL) to communicate with doctors and medical experts around the world, access online training tools, and establish facilities such as video conferencing, data collection and analysis. The deployment is part of FFL’s efforts to establish a consultation office at CDTUB—which treated more than 700 patients in 2015—to improve communication between patients and medical staff, raising further awareness of tropical diseases.
