[SatNews] With the IMO's regulations riding the seas, this new development should greatly assist vessels and their reporting...
Vizada has launched SkyFile® C Store & Push to offer customers highly-reliable data reporting and polling services, including VMS (Vessel Monitoring System), LRIT (Long Range Identification & Tracking) and FleetNet. This new development enables shipping companies to adhere strictly to international maritime law: International Maritime Organisation regulations stipulate that a vessel must send a position report every six hours, and that this report must in turn be delivered to the data center in less than 15 minutes (or seven minutes in European countries).
SkyFile-C Store & Push runs over a dedicated platform, developed by Vizada at its teleport in Aussaguel, France, as part of a major upgrade to its Inmarsat-C infrastructure. In addition to providing greater capacity for data reporting traffic such as VMS and LRIT, the platform enables all data reports transmitted from vessels to be stored in a database at the gateway. In case of network failure during transmission, the reports can be protected and forwarded to data centers at a later stage once the network issues have been resolved. Vizada’s recent developments on its Inmarsat-C gateway also enables it to deliver data reports over a number of different networks, including FTP and IP, to cater for the varying requirements of the parties involved in the reporting process (data centers, shipping companies, flag states, local regulators, etc.).