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April 13th, 2020

New Remote Sensing Project Launched by Azercosmos

Azerbaijan's satellite communications operator, Azercosmos OJSC, has started a project to promote services on remote sensing of the Earth's surface for 2020-2021 — participation in the project is free.

The project is to provide technical support to legal entities and researchers engaged in research work in sectors that are considered a priority in connection with the activities envisioned in the state program for development of remote sensing of the Earth. This includes encouraging and stimulating the countrywide development of Earth remote sensing services using Azersky satellite's data.

Azercosmos established in May of 2010, is the first and only telecommunications and geological reconnaissance satellite operator in South Caucasus and was established on May 3, 2010. The firm's portfolio for telecommunication satellites includes leading companies in countries such as the US, the UK, France, Germany, Malaysia and other various regions.

The company operates two communications satellites - Azerspace-1, Azerspace-2 plus the low-orbit satellite Azersky.