[SatNews] Airbus Defence and Space is expanding its Terralink satellite connectivity service portfolio with the introduction of new services for enterprise users based on the nexgen Newtec Dialog® satellite communications platform—Airbus Defence and Space are the first to use the eagerly awaited Newtec platform launched earlier this year.

The new services now available offer a significant boost in service flexibility and link efficiency towards service providers and end-users. Due to faster and smarter data processing, new coding, and compatibility towards various technologies, more can be sent and delivered through the satellite connectivity. Also, one and same satellite communications platform is scalable to fit small to larger enterprises’ communications needs. This expansion of Terralink is the latest product innovation within AuroraGlobal, the company’s strategic satellite communications services portfolio providing highly flexible and efficient satellite links to a diverse customer base.
Terralink delivers reliable satellite connectivity to a large range of enterprise customers, including those operating in the humanitarian, mining and energy sectors. It provides reliable and secure voice and data communications in locations where terrestrial communications infrastructure is not available, or of poor quality and is also used as back-up for mission critical networks.

The new services available from Airbus Defence and Space connect organizations locally and cross-border in private networks or to the public Internet, enabling use of email, web browsing and IP applications ensuring business connectivity wherever they are based. The recently launched Global Field Support Program ensures regional support and a short response time combined with the most flexible and future proof Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) connectivity provided based on the AuroraGlobal multi-band portfolio.
Terralink enables services to run more efficiently than ever before over satellite and allows the same core platform to be used for customers of any size and network requirements. This is made possible by using the most optimal return bandwidth allocation technologies, including well-known SCPC, MF-TDMA and Mx-DMA™ return technologies, all on the same platform. Mx-DMA incorporates the best features of MF-TDMA and SCPC technologies and at the same time solves the difficult choice of selecting one or the other. Additionally, the latest modem allows transmission changes without traffic interruption and loss of data, which improves the link availability and reduces latency.
The first customer to benefit from the improved end-user and service management experience offered by the new services is one of the world’s largest humanitarian organizations. However, the unique scalability and combination of satellite technologies catered for by the new platform positions Terralink as the ideal connectivity solution for customers with low to very high bandwidth per link requirements.
The network hubs are now installed and operating in several of Airbus Defence and Space owned teleports worldwide. The service areas include Europe, Central Europe and the Middle East with Ku-band services and Africa and Asia Pacific covered with C-band services.
Terralink is designed for small to large VSAT corporate networks requiring high quality service with dedicated bandwidth or guaranteed data rate (committed information rate, CIR) and bursting capabilities to meet periods of high demand. It features customized service plans from 10 kbps up to 45 Mbps (outbound) and from 10 kbps up to 8 Mbps (inbound), with unlimited data volume allowance. Additional packages will be launched in the near future.
AuroraGlobal is the global portfolio of multi-band SATCOM services for government, maritime and enterprise markets bringing all satellite frequencies and capabilities into one network providing service providers and customers the variety of choice. With this portfolio, Airbus Defence and Space provides customers with throughput comparable to nexgen services, today.
For further details, visit the Airbus Defence and Space infosite.
For information regarding Newtec's Dialog, please visit this infopage