Home >> Satellite Webinars >> UK Space Sector COVID-19 Webinar
UK Space Sector COVID-19 Webinar
May 28th, 2020 to May 28th, 2020

CONTACT:   Web: http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001t4DWW2SJXzKx6hG_QE-ZtIhE0sDHwGspkusQwtZVt9UwRl7b4nSZR2eDOWvosyOiIixxp2cJD2NEf0vlQGJqSDjXu5IV9h27-rkTTAHKHjSwiP2L_e02anM0vufwDoTIzDMp5bDtU_TF8AsgrJwRB-SRn-nwzioux2ZNafxf4O-Cqx-bqXfo_9l6v7tqlZI6udBWCdQaZmU4h-kZVISZzw==&c=rdb0znqi7Lj1gzuk4gdDPYY0hsh-WSKFma5YG-E5Im4DiM4-IZ9X2w==&ch=stBNkC6aNJNPxIqoNR6BTN_j7aaFYPh2dYc5xx6A0V0Qww7RjGDtQg==
DESCRIPTION:   We look forward to welcoming you to our next webinar on Thursday 28 May where we will be discussing how the European Space Agency (ESA) is supporting the space sector.

Cash flow shortages, investment uncertainty and access to funding have been quoted as some of the top challenges facing Space SMEs during COVID-19 through the UK Space Agency's Weekly Survey. Many are experiencing delays in R&D procurements, drops in demand in commercial markets, and delays or shelving of finance decisions by private investors and banks.