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October 7th, 2009

Get The Newtec Training While It's Hot

Newtec customer trng site With topics such as DVB-S2: The How, What & Why and Bandwidth Optimization Features and IP Network Design, a good idea would be to place Newtec's Customer Training Calendar on your "don't forget" list. Starting on October 13th, there are training classes on the calendar running through December 15th of this year. Fortunately, if for some reason you cannot make the first specified training date, courses are repeated to ensure all Newtec customers obtain this highly desirable training. These courses encompass a full range of both theoretical and hands-on practical training courses, all designed to enhance customers' technical knowledge, to make certain products and technologies are updated, and offering the experience to install, operate, and troubleshoot equipment. Select the graphic to head over to the Newtec Customer Training Registration Site.