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Satnews Daily
October 15th, 2009

Thrane & Thrane Give Latitude Accreditation

Latitude Technologies logo (101509) Latitude Technologies' new Universal Data Gateway product has achieved accredited solution status with Thrane & Thrane.  The new UDG100 product, via Ethernet to the Aero SB Lite, allows multiple functions including flight tracking, data configuration and transfer, and aircraft systems integration.

The UDG100 also comes equipped with a configurable integrated G-switch for sudden event tracking and triggering.  “We are proud to partner with Thrane &Thrane and believe our experience and capabilities will greatly enhance the specialty applications of the Aero SB Lite product”, stated Mark Insley, president of Latitude. “Leveraging our LWS Sentinel, data reporting, messaging, and flight following service, we will add a new dimension of versatility to the emerging SwiftBroadband market”.