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Satnews Daily
October 21st, 2009

SatBroadcasting: Secure DTV Content To Rely On IPSoft Apps

Netris iPSoft page SecureMedia, who develops open content protection software for secure video and multimedia delivery over IP networks, and Netris, a software development and integration company for IP communications, have announced the latest addition to the IPSoft™ Interactive Digital TV family that provides an end-to-end cutting-edge solution for secured multimedia delivery over Internet. Combining the power of three unique yet proven software products: IPSoftiStream Video Server, IPSoftiVision PC Solution and the Encryptonite ONECA/DRM System, streaming or downloaded content can now be securely delivered to broadband-connected PCs, enabling content-providers and operators to reach more internet users and generate additional revenue.

IPSoft iStream Video Server provides the streaming and downloading mechanisms while IPSoft iVision PC Solution is a part of Netris' SDP that generates user interface and provides service management. SecureMedia's Encryptonite ONESystem provides the highest levels of digital content security for video distribution in the open Internet environment.