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October 27th, 2009

Get A True Clue With GVF Hughes Installation Course

GVF Hughes installation course page GVF is pleased to announce that development of course GVF503H is complete and it is now available for registration at http://gvf.coursehost.com This course is intended for independent installers outside the U.S. seeking to become certified as installers of the Hughes HN and HX families of broadband satellite terminals.

A detailed course outline is available by selecting the graphic. GVF503H introduces students to the Hughes family of satellite terminals and includes spacelink access methods, satellite terminal hardware overview, approved IFL and connectors, terminal web interface, commissioning process, antenna pointing, and terminal troubleshooting steps and tools. The course is self-paced, 3D animated, with highly interactive training simulations, and allows students to use simulations to practice the installation procedure.  Accurate dish pointing and cross pol alignment for prevention of interference are strongly emphasized.