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Satnews Daily
October 27th, 2009

Awarding Educational Moves By Hughes

Hughes Brazililan sub homepage Hughes Network Systems, LLC (HUGHES) announced that its Brazilian operating unit, Hughes do Brasil, will receive the WISE (World Innovation Summit for Education) Award for the distance learning project developed for the Education Department of the State of Amazonas (SEDUC-AM). The WISE Award, granted by the Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development, recognizes the best initiatives globally in the area of education.

The Amazonas project uses the Brazilian-wide HughesNet® broadband satellite service along with IPTV (television over the IP protocol) capability, to transmit classes conducted every day from the media center in the state capital, Manaus, to more than 20,000 students located in rural communities. The technology enables teachers and students to interact as if they were in the same physical space. The Brazilian project provides interactive distance learning over satellite to more than 20,000 students in 700 classrooms across 300 schools in the State of Amazonas and was one of six laureates chosen from 588 entries. The WISE Awards aim to showcase pioneering, education-related projects at a worldwide level that foster distinctive, cross-educational collaboration. This is the sixth award received by the project.