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July 18th, 2011

ViaSat... Schedule Stutter (Satellite)

[SatNews] Due to a problem with a similar satellite, a review is to be initiated...

The ViaSat-1 satellite's launch is about to be delayed — to August or perhaps September. Space Systems/Loral, the manufacturer, wishes to initiate a review due to a satellite malfunction with Telstar 14R. And what does that have to do with ViaSat-1? The ViaSat satellite uses similar components and the review will take some time. Originally expected to launch this month, ViaSat-1 is a Ka-band craft that will have the highest capacity of any current satellite as well as highly cost efficient, offering high speed data links on higher frequency bands. It is also expected that the satellite will also greatly assist the Company's JetBlue Airways partnership, with talks ongoing with other carriers for in-flight broadband connectivity contracts. ViaSat-2, their next spacecraft, is hoped to be ready for launch in early 2015, but that would probably only occur only if ViaSat-1 launches soon.