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Satnews Daily
October 20th, 2009

SatBroadcasting: Mobile DTV Standard Approval Cause For Harris Celebration

Harris Mobile DTV graphic Harris Corporation (NYSE:HRS) applauds the Advanced Television Systems Committee’s (ATSC) official adoption of the ATSC Mobile DTV Standard A/153 for the delivery of over-the-air digital multimedia services to consumer devices.  The announcement marks the culmination of four years of work by Harris Corporation and LG Electronics in co-developing the core technology behind the new standard.

The past two years of intensive ATSC standards activity — moving from technology concepts to candidate and proposed standards to official adoption — represents the fastest development approval time for developing a major transmission standard in the Americas.  Much of the effort in achieving this goal can be attributed to the strong involvement and leadership of the broadcast industry through the Open Mobile Video Coalition (OMVC), an alliance of U.S. commercial and public broadcasters formed to accelerate the development and rollout of ATSC Mobile DTV products and services.  The OMVC provided broadcaster system requirements and helped to drive the testing and evaluation process that selected the LG/Harris/Zenith physical layer as the basis for the standard. Harris has played a leadership role throughout the four-year process. In addition to its work with LG and the ATSC Technical Standards Group, Harris was a leading participant in the OMVC IDOV (independent determination of viability) testing of the standard.  Harris is also supporting the ATSC Mobile DTV “Model Station” program that put reference stations on the air in Seattle and Atlanta using the Harris® MPH™ platform for ATSC Mobile DTV, featuring Harris transmission and encoding equipment.  The company has also assisted consumer electronics manufacturers in their mobile receiver product development processes by providing test streams and signal generation equipment.